Currently on-going (July 2023) Moda Hove Central is located within the boundary of the Hove Station Quarter district, the Moda Hove development sits on land between Hove Park / Shoreham Road and the railway line / seafront on a site that was previously a light commercial and retail location. The development aims to realise the potential of the site and the wider region by catalysing further regeneration and providing high quality employment accomModation.
• 564 build to rent homes;
• 260 care community homes with health and amenity focused facilities;
• 5,163.60 sq.m of B1 office space including
• 946.00 sq. m (D1/D2) health and well-being centre;
• 585 cycle parking spaces
• Approximately 70% of the Site has been given over to the creation of new streets, squares, public realm, amenity and open spaces as part of its integration into the existing community;
• Integrated and accessible public realm landscaping comprising 8,157 sq.m (soft) and 13,569 sq.m (hard); and
• 260 care community homes with health and amenity focused facilities;
• 5,163.60 sq.m of B1 office space including
• 946.00 sq. m (D1/D2) health and well-being centre;
• 585 cycle parking spaces
• Approximately 70% of the Site has been given over to the creation of new streets, squares, public realm, amenity and open spaces as part of its integration into the existing community;
• Integrated and accessible public realm landscaping comprising 8,157 sq.m (soft) and 13,569 sq.m (hard); and
The public art programme will integrate art into the landscape so that it becomes an engaging and seamless aspect of the development and within the open spaces.
Four public art opportunities have been determined:
• x2 Gateway sculptures
• Central Square sculpture
• A site-wide trail
• Artist-in-Residence to begin when new residents move in
• x2 Gateway sculptures
• Central Square sculpture
• A site-wide trail
• Artist-in-Residence to begin when new residents move in
The artists will be commissioned following a robust call for Expressions of Interest and shortlisting process with an extensive panel that included stakeholders, local residents, local government and the design team.
First look at Moda, Hove Central Build to Rent scheme by Bea Patel (7 July 2023) btr news