The Enliven Brighton Art Trail, a commission as part of the ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan and working with Brilliant Brighton Business Improvement District, the project showcases Brighton’s vibrant art scene with a colourful art trail with work by local artists and installed on walls, bus stops, lampposts and street furniture throughout Brilliant Brighton district.
Locations were determined and curated to feature the colourful artworks which were commissioned across a range of talented professional and amateur artists.
Murals from Dave Pop and Lee Eelus bring joy to a small number of businesses’ walls; while Josef Cabey and Gil Mualem-Doron’s bright graphics add colour to bus stops; Kate Forrester’s delicate detailed sea-inspired illustrations elevate planters; Liberty Cheverall’s work spreads positivity on litter bins; and artists from inclusive, not-for-profit organisation Rocket Artists Studio add further vibrance, with artwork wrapped around lampposts in Preston Street and North Laine. I even managed to get a small installation which added tonal colour – from sea to land – to bollards on East Street.
With thanks to Bip Mistry for the photos below.
Lee Eelus – wall at Donatello's

Dave Pop – Boots on North Street

Dave Pop – Boots on North Street

Lee Eelus – Gresham Blake on Bond Street

Gil Mualem-Doron – Bus shelter on Churchill Square

Gil Mualem-Doron – Bus shelter on East Street

Josef Cabey – Bus shelter on North Street

Josef Cabey – Bus shelter on Churchill Square

Kate Forrester – Planters on North Street

Kate Forrester – Planters on North Street

Richard Wolfströme – Bollards on East Street

Richard Wolfströme – Bollards on East Street

Bin artworks across the BID by Liberty Cheverall

Bin artworks across the BID by Liberty Cheverall

Lampposts in Kensington Gardens by Rocket Artists

Lampposts in Kensington Gardens by Rocket Artists

Lampposts in Kensington Gardens by Rocket Artists

Lampposts in Kensington Gardens by Rocket Artists

Lampposts in Preston Street by Rocket Artists

Lampposts in Preston Street by Rocket Artists

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